Action Adventure Game

  • This project is very much still in progress. The goal is to go through the design progress and see how far I can go with it solo. Hopefully at the end a short game will be playable where the user can customize an avatar, go through an environment, and fight several enemies.

  • This will be my first attempt at using the AI system in UE5 so I imagine there will be learning curve there. As always obtaining and altering art assets will continue to be a struggle for me.

  • RIght now I have a playable, custimizable avatar that can move, shoot, and take/give damage. Next step will be getting into AI.


Right now brainstorming is being done with Figma. I find its ease of use to be quite nice, and the ability to create sections helps keep me organized. A project like this could easily spiral out of control, so it is good to have a solid plan in place.

Part System

Implemented a part system with data tables. There are data tables for each type of part or augment, that can then be loaded into the player’s stats. I am going with predefined gear that can be altered with augments to keep the system more in control.


Card Game